19 Other Ways To Say “Thank You for Your Kind Words”

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By Rosalie Alice

In life, we often encounter moments where someone’s words leave a deep impact on us. Whether it’s a heartfelt compliment, a supportive message, or just a kind gesture, knowing how to respond graciously is key. Saying “thank you for your kind words” is a common way to express gratitude, but sometimes you might want to say it differently to keep the sentiment fresh and genuine. In this article, we’ll explore 19 other ways to say “Thank you for your kind words,” so you can express your appreciation with style and sincerity.

1. “Your Words Mean the World to Me”

When someone says something that truly resonates with you, expressing how much their words mean can be a powerful response. This phrase shows that you deeply value their kindness and that their words have had a significant impact on you.

2. “I’m Truly Grateful for Your Support”

If someone’s kind words come in the form of support during a tough time, letting them know you’re truly grateful can convey how much their encouragement means to you. It emphasizes your appreciation and the positive effect their words have had on you.

3. “I Appreciate Your Kindness”

Sometimes, simplicity is the best approach. Telling someone you appreciate their kindness is a straightforward yet effective way to express your gratitude. It’s a classic response that never goes out of style.

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4. “Your Words Lifted My Spirits”

Thank You for Your Kind Words

If someone’s words brightened your day or lifted your mood, this phrase is a perfect way to let them know. It’s a heartfelt acknowledgment of the positive impact their words had on you, showing that their kindness made a difference.

5. “Thank You for Brightening My Day”

This response works well when someone’s kind words have brought joy or happiness into your day. It’s a warm, appreciative phrase that lets them know they made a positive impact on you.

6. “I’m Humbled by Your Words”

When you want to convey a sense of modesty and deep appreciation, this phrase is an excellent choice. It shows that you’re moved by their words and that their kindness has touched you on a deeper level.

7. “Your Compliment Made My Day”

Compliments can often leave us feeling uplifted and appreciated. This phrase is a great way to return the favor and let someone know that their compliment had a meaningful impact on you.

8. “I’m So Touched by Your Thoughtfulness”

If someone has gone out of their way to say something kind, expressing that you’re touched by their thoughtfulness is a beautiful way to show your appreciation. It’s a heartfelt response that emphasizes the care they put into their words.

9. “Your Encouragement Means So Much to Me”

When someone offers kind words of encouragement, this phrase lets them know just how much their support has meant to you. It’s a sincere and appreciative way to express your gratitude.

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10. “Thank You for Believing in Me”

Thank You for Your Kind Words

If someone’s kind words include a vote of confidence or belief in your abilities, this response is a perfect way to express your gratitude. It acknowledges the trust they’ve placed in you and shows that you appreciate their faith in you.

11. “I’m Overwhelmed by Your Kindness”

When someone’s kind words leave you feeling emotional or deeply moved, this phrase is a powerful way to convey your appreciation. It shows that their words have had a profound effect on you.

12. “Your Kind Words Are Greatly Appreciated”

This response is a slightly more formal way to express your gratitude. It’s perfect for situations where you want to maintain a level of professionalism while still conveying your sincere thanks.

13. “I’m Deeply Grateful for Your Words”

If you want to express a deep sense of gratitude, this phrase is an excellent choice. It emphasizes the depth of your appreciation and the significance of their kind words.

14. “Your Words Have Made a Difference”

When someone’s words have had a tangible impact on your life or your outlook, this response is a great way to let them know. It shows that their kindness hasn’t gone unnoticed and that it’s made a real difference to you.

15. “I’m Thankful for Your Kindness”

This phrase is a simple yet effective way to express your gratitude. It’s straightforward, sincere, and can be used in a variety of situations.

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16. “Your Support Means Everything to Me”

Thank You for Your Kind Words

When someone’s kind words come in the form of support, this phrase is a powerful way to show your appreciation. It emphasizes the importance of their encouragement and lets them know how much it means to you.

17. “I’m So Grateful for Your Words”

Gratitude is a powerful emotion, and this phrase is a great way to express it. It’s a heartfelt response that lets the other person know just how much you appreciate their kindness.

18. “Thank You for Your Thoughtful Words”

If someone’s kind words were particularly thoughtful or considerate, this phrase is a great way to acknowledge their effort. It shows that you’ve noticed the care they put into their words and that you deeply appreciate it.

19. “Your Kind Words Have Touched My Heart”

When someone’s words have a profound emotional impact on you, this phrase is a beautiful way to express your gratitude. It’s a deeply personal and heartfelt response that conveys just how much their kindness means to you.


Expressing gratitude is more than just saying “thank you.” It’s about truly acknowledging the impact that someone’s words have had on you. By using these 19 different ways to say “Thank you for your kind words,” you can convey your appreciation in a way that’s unique, heartfelt, and memorable. Whether you choose to keep it simple or add a personal touch, the key is to let the other person know that their kindness has made a difference in your life. So the next time someone says something that warms your heart, you’ll have plenty of ways to show them just how much it means to you.


What Are Some Alternative Ways to Say “Thank You for Your Kind Words”?

There are many ways to express gratitude for someone’s kind words, including phrases like “Your Words Mean the World to Me,” “I Appreciate Your Kindness,” and “Thank You for Brightening My Day.” Each of these alternatives allows you to convey your appreciation in a unique and heartfelt manner.

When Should I Use These Alternative Phrases?

You can use these alternative phrases whenever someone says something kind or supportive to you. Whether it’s in a personal conversation, a professional setting, or through written communication, these phrases help you express your gratitude in a way that fits the context and your relationship with the other person.

Are These Phrases Suitable for Professional Settings?

Yes, many of these phrases are suitable for professional settings. Phrases like “I’m Truly Grateful for Your Support” or “Your Kind Words Are Greatly Appreciated” maintain a level of professionalism while still expressing sincere gratitude.

How Can I Make My Thank You Message More Personal?

To make your thank you message more personal, consider adding specific details about what the person said and how it impacted you. For example, instead of just saying “Thank You for Your Kind Words,” you could say, “Your words about my recent project really lifted my spirits and motivated me to keep going.”

Is It Important to Express Gratitude in Different Ways?

Yes, expressing gratitude in different ways can keep your responses fresh and genuine. It shows that you’re truly paying attention to the kindness being shown to you and that you value the relationship you have with the other person.

Can These Phrases Be Used in Written Communication?

Absolutely. These phrases are versatile and can be used in both verbal and written communication. Whether you’re writing an email, a thank you note, or even a social media post, these alternatives can help you express your gratitude effectively.

Should I Always Respond to Kind Words?

While it’s not always mandatory, responding to kind words is a thoughtful gesture that can strengthen your relationships. A simple acknowledgment can go a long way in showing that you appreciate the other person’s effort in being kind or supportive.

How Do These Phrases Compare to a Simple “Thank You”?

These alternative phrases offer a more personalized touch compared to a simple “Thank You.” They allow you to convey specific emotions and the impact of the other person’s words, making your gratitude feel more genuine and heartfelt.

Can I Combine Multiple Phrases?

Yes, you can combine multiple phrases to create a more elaborate expression of gratitude. For instance, you might say, “I’m Overwhelmed by Your Kindness, and Your Words Mean the World to Me.” This can add depth to your response and make it even more meaningful.

What If I’m Not Sure Which Phrase to Use?

If you’re unsure which phrase to use, consider the context and your relationship with the person. If you’re in a formal setting, a more professional phrase like “Your Kind Words Are Greatly Appreciated” might be appropriate. For more personal interactions, something like “Your Words Lifted My Spirits” could be a better fit.

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