19 Other Ways To Say “Looking Forward to Working With You”

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By Rosalie Alice

In the professional world, expressing enthusiasm and readiness to collaborate is essential. While “Looking forward to working with you” is a standard phrase, using varied expressions can make your communication more engaging and effective. Whether you’re sending an email, writing a letter, or even in a verbal conversation, diversifying your language can leave a lasting impression. In this article, we’ll explore 17 other ways to convey a similar sentiment, ensuring your communications remain fresh and engaging.

1. Eager to Collaborate

Eager to collaborate is a dynamic alternative that expresses enthusiasm. It implies that you are not just ready, but excited about the opportunity to work together. This phrase is especially useful in contexts where you want to show your proactive attitude and willingness to dive into the project.

2. Excited About Our Upcoming Project

If you want to highlight your enthusiasm specifically about the project, “excited about our upcoming project” works perfectly. It conveys anticipation and focuses on the future collaboration rather than just the partnership.

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3. Keen to Get Started

Keen to get started signals readiness and a positive outlook towards beginning the work. It’s a straightforward way to show that you’re not only ready but also motivated to initiate the collaboration promptly.

4. Anticipating a Great Partnership

Using “anticipating a great partnership” emphasizes your expectation of a successful and fruitful collaboration. It reflects optimism and confidence in the potential outcomes of your joint efforts.

5. Ready to Engage

Looking Forward to Working With You

Ready to engage is a professional and concise way to show that you’re prepared to dive into the work. It suggests a readiness to actively participate and contribute to the project.

6. Looking Forward to Our Collaboration

A slight variation of the original phrase, “looking forward to our collaboration,” retains the core message but adds a touch of formality. It’s suitable for formal business communications where maintaining a professional tone is crucial.

7. Thrilled to Partner With You

Thrilled to partner with you conveys a high level of enthusiasm. It’s an expressive way to show that you’re not just interested but genuinely excited about the prospect of working together.

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8. Eager to Join Forces

Eager to join forces adds a sense of dynamic teamwork to your expression. It suggests a readiness to combine efforts and work collaboratively towards shared goals.

9. Excited for What’s Ahead

Looking Forward to Working With You

If you want to focus on the future outcomes, “excited for what’s ahead” is an effective choice. It conveys anticipation not just for the process but for the results and achievements that lie ahead.

10. Looking Forward to Our Joint Efforts

Looking forward to our joint efforts highlights the collaborative aspect of the work. It’s a great way to emphasize that you value the combined efforts and contributions from both parties.

11. Pleased to Work With You

Pleased to work with you strikes a balance between professionalism and warmth. It conveys that you are not only ready but also genuinely pleased about the opportunity to collaborate.

12. Eager to Work Together

Eager to work together is a straightforward and effective way to show your readiness and enthusiasm for the collaboration. It’s versatile and can be used in both formal and informal contexts.

13. Looking Forward to a Successful Collaboration

If you want to underscore the expected success of the collaboration, “looking forward to a successful collaboration” is a fitting choice. It expresses optimism about achieving positive results together.

14. Excited to Work With You

A direct and enthusiastic alternative, “excited to work with you” conveys strong interest and positive anticipation. It’s an engaging way to express your eagerness to start working together.

15. Ready to Collaborate on This Project

Ready to collaborate on this project specifies the context and adds a professional touch. It indicates your preparedness and focus on the specific project at hand.

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16. Anticipating Our Collaboration

Looking Forward to Working With You

Anticipating our collaboration is a formal way to express your expectation and excitement about the partnership. It’s ideal for professional settings where a polished tone is required.

17. Enthusiastic About Working Together

Enthusiastic about working together conveys a high level of excitement and eagerness. It shows that you’re not just ready, but genuinely passionate about the collaboration.

18. Excited to Start This Journey Together

Excited to start this journey together emphasizes the collaborative aspect and conveys a sense of shared adventure. It’s a great way to highlight that you’re looking forward to working through the project’s phases alongside your partner.

19. Looking Forward to Joining Forces

Looking forward to joining forces conveys a sense of teamwork and unity. It’s an effective way to express enthusiasm for combining efforts and achieving common goals together.


Effective communication is key to building strong professional relationships. Using varied expressions like those listed above can help you convey enthusiasm and readiness in a more engaging manner. Whether you’re reaching out for a new project or confirming an existing one, these alternatives provide fresh ways to express your eagerness and commitment. Choose the phrases that best fit your context and style, and let them help you make a positive and lasting impression in your professional interactions.


What is the importance of using varied expressions like “Looking Forward to Working With You”?

Using varied expressions helps to keep your communication fresh and engaging. It can demonstrate enthusiasm and tailor your message to different contexts or levels of formality. This variety can make your interactions more impactful and memorable, contributing to better professional relationships.

Can I use these phrases in formal business emails?

Yes, many of the phrases listed, such as “Looking forward to our collaboration” and “Anticipating a successful partnership,” are suitable for formal business emails. They maintain professionalism while conveying your eagerness and readiness to collaborate.

Are these alternatives appropriate for informal settings as well?

Absolutely. Phrases like “Excited to work with you” or “Eager to join forces” can be used in more informal settings. They add a personal touch and show enthusiasm, making them ideal for less formal interactions.

How can I choose the best phrase for a specific situation?

Consider the tone and context of your communication. For formal settings, opt for phrases like “Looking forward to a successful collaboration.” For more casual interactions, phrases such as “Excited to work with you” or “Eager to get started” may be more appropriate. Tailoring your choice to the specific context helps in conveying the right level of enthusiasm and professionalism.

Can these phrases be used in verbal communication as well?

Yes, these phrases are versatile and can be used effectively in verbal communication. For instance, saying “Eager to collaborate” or “Thrilled to partner with you” in a meeting or conversation can express your excitement and readiness clearly.

Should I use the same phrase repeatedly or vary them?

It’s generally better to vary your expressions to keep your communication engaging and dynamic. Repeated use of the same phrase can become monotonous, while different phrases can add variety and emphasize your enthusiasm in different ways.

How do these phrases help in building professional relationships?

Using diverse and engaging phrases demonstrates your commitment and enthusiasm for the work. It shows that you value the collaboration and are genuinely interested in the project, which can help in strengthening professional relationships and fostering a positive working environment.

Are these phrases effective in client communication?

Yes, these phrases can be very effective in client communication. They help in setting a positive tone and expressing eagerness, which can contribute to building a good rapport with clients and ensuring a smooth collaboration process.

Can these phrases be used for both new and ongoing projects?

Yes, these phrases are versatile and can be used for both new and ongoing projects. For new projects, they express your excitement about starting, while for ongoing projects, they show your continued enthusiasm and commitment to the work.

How can I adapt these phrases for different industries?

To adapt these phrases for different industries, consider the industry’s specific jargon and the level of formality required. For example, in creative industries, you might use more casual phrases like “Excited to dive into this project,” while in more formal sectors like finance, “Anticipating a productive collaboration” might be more appropriate. Tailoring your language to the industry helps in aligning with the expectations and norms of the field.

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